Ron Wilkins
Currently serving as:
Director on the Boards of Global Digitools LTD, London, UK; Grand Master Capital Management, New York, NY; and CO2Energy.org
International Tax Treaty Advisor, Financial Engineering (FE.NET), Delray Beach, FL
Formerly served as:
Chairman of the Boards of (FIDA) The U.S. Fitness Industry Dealers Association; Eagle International Investment Holdings, Coral Gables, FL; Results Management Consulting Group, Lady Lake, FL; Banesco Investment Group, Miami, FL; Devix Corp, Jersey City, NJ; IntegriFirst Financial Services, Coral Gables, FL and Second Opinion MD, New York, NY
Vice-Chairman of the Boards of Endosurge Outpatient Center, Leesburg, FL; Lake Surgery and Endoscopy Center, Lady Lake, FL; Advanced Gastroenterology and Nutritional Associates, Leesburg, FL; Epic TeleRadiology, Leesburg, FL; Florida Bariatric and General Surgery Associates, Lady Lake, FL; and Global Gold International, Cairo, Egypt.
A Director on the Boards of Asia Bell Ltd. Bangkok, Thailand; Devix Holding Corp. Paris, France; and Woo Shin Ltd. Seoul, Korea; Charleston Fitness Equipment, Mt. Pleasant, SC; Cornerstone Venture Capital, Mountain View, CA; Halsateck Innovations, Sarasota, FL; IdeaLadder, Magdalene Shores, FL; GroupX, Denver CO; RA Sports, Madison, WI; New Power Partners, San Jose, CA; Worldwide Education, Mt. Dora, FL; and ZetrOZ (Chair of the Compensation Committee), Trumbull, CT
Ron is a natural leader, mentor, and coach with a rich history of developing others to their full potential. You can review unedited insights and feedback on him at www.linkedin.com/in/rjwilkins
Principal, Wilkins Solutions, (Representing more than 13,500 manufactures with 4860+ Techs in 49 states) USA since 2010